Since 2013, Beyond Chacay Foundation has empowered a “new world of knowledge and quality of life changing experiences” in the Galapagos.

Our Origins

How we first connected to needs in Ecuador

Beyond Chacay Foundation was initially launched as a cultural exchange program focused primarily on high school students, offering an experiential opportunity sampling the 4 ecological zones of the country while introducing ecotourists to the various ecosystems, communities, and cultures giving them a first-hand connection to the people, their communities, and needs. The ultimate hope was a commitment of resources and in-kind support while leaving only footprints.


Beyond Chacay Foundation launched EcoHelix, on San Cristobal island, working with student government undergrad leaders from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and 55 local high school students. Funding partners included the Galapagos Conservancy (, the Ministry of Education Regional Office, ElecGalapagos (the electric utility company). Support also came from the Governor of the Islands, the Galapagos National Park, and the mayor.

The EcoHelix model promotes economic and ecological awareness in collaboration with stakeholders from the private, public, and civic sectors as well as academia and the media.


BCF expanded the EcoHelix initiative to two more of the four populated islands, Santa Cruz and Isabela. This leaves Floreana as the fourth and last island needing inclusion. The expanded EcoHelix initiative included entrepreneurship workshops and the support of the following universities: University of Denver, University of Calgary, and a five year commitment from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan school MBAs, resulting in an honorable mention from IBM, and harnessing WATSON to create tailored programs for tourists.

2018 - 2023

BCF launched GRECO (the Galapagos Community Education Internet) with support from local stakeholders including the Galapagos Governing Council, the National Park, ElecGalapagos, the mayors of each island, and the Ministry of Education. The GRECO initiative received $300K from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the Internet Society supporting collaboration with Villanova University. BCF was then able to build the internet infrastructure, connecting 23 of the 24 schools on the islands.


BCF will extend the signal and promote the socialization of the GRECO to promote digital access for local populations, expand entrepreneurship training and mentoring, and implement solar technology to generate electricity through the installation of solar panels and charging stations for electric bicycles.

As BCF has not yet met the Internet needs of all four islands, the key priorities for 2024 and beyond are:

  • Extend the internet signal from the 24 schools to communities and local businesses.

  • Establish a telemedicine link, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, to island medical facilities, especially on Floreana, the smallest island and least accessible.

  • Build capacity for local leadership, community digital literacy skills, training aspiring entrepreneurs, and creating content that will ensure that GRECO becomes a valuable network created of, by, and for the residents of the Galapagos Islands.

VIDEO/YouTube resources: